All posts by admin


Software instructs computer to perform specific tasks. It can be a single program or collection of programs. Software.. read more>>


Without a program, computer is useless. Program is nothing but a list of instructions which are written by.. read more>>

Read Only Memory (ROM)

ROM (Read-Only Memory) is a computer memory on which data can be recorded only once. Once data has.. read more>>

Random Access Memory (RAM)

RAM is a type of computer memory. It stands for Random Access Memory. It is often called primary.. read more>>

Network Topology

The term topology in computer field means the way in which the computers in a network are inter-connected... read more>>

Computer Network

The purpose of a computer network is to create a link between multiple computer systems and support communication.. read more>>


Generally a writer who posts his work regularly on a website is called a blogger. Blogger definition A.. read more>>


Computer Programming is the process or action of planning and writing the code of a computer program. Generally.. read more>>

URL (Uniform Resource Locator)

URL (Uniform / Universal Resource Locator) is a string which suggests where can be a file found on.. read more>>

Geek (Nerd)

According to dictionary a person who is foolish, unfashionable, single minded or clumsy is called a geek or.. read more>>