All posts by admin

Command Line Interface

A command-line interface (CLI) is an interface between the user and a program. GUI was not supported by.. read more>>


Inheritance in programming languages is a concept of OOP which supports hierarchical classification and reusability of code. A.. read more>>

Dynamic Binding

Dynamic binding also called dynamic dispatch is the process of linking procedure call to a specific sequence of.. read more>>

Information Technology

Information technology (abbreviated as IT) is nothing but technology related with information. I.T. has wide variety of areas.. read more>>


Technology is a broad concept which in simple words can be defined as the application of scientific knowledge.. read more>>


Process is a series or steps of actions. Process can be referred to an action being executed or.. read more>>


UML(Unified Modeling Language) is a modeling language which helps to simplify the process of software design. UML includes.. read more>>

Data Structure

In a computer, we need a proper system of storing and retrieval of data. Such system is called.. read more>>


Polymorphism means having one name and many forms or shape. The term polymorphism comes from Greek roots. In.. read more>>

Information Hiding

Information hiding or data hiding in programming is about protecting data or information from any inadvertent change throughout.. read more>>